Nov 4, 2008

Remember, Remember, the Fourth of November

We're on the precipice of a huge change people! After work tonight I'll be at home watching the results come.

At 7:15 a.m. I drove past my local polling location and there were about 40 people standing in line on the sidewalk. A swell of excitement and pride hit me that not only is today possibly the start of dramatic change in the United States, but also that my community is out in force to cast their votes!

For me, Barack Obama offers hope and strategic plans for delivering change to our economy, global affairs involvement, and healthcare and education policy. Like so many others I talk to, I am ready to reach up and grab hold of the change offered to us by our future President.

The change we create today is profound. It leaves me wondering what we will say and what state our country will be in in another four years.

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