....5:15 a.m. inside the North Seattle Gold's Gym.
Just me and the row machine. Staring down the clock, doing a PR (personal record) test for time. 2,000 meters. That's about 1.24 miles. Time? 9 minutes, 46 seconds.
I'm a bit of - confidence, independence, fiesty, moxie, joie de vivre, style, organization and extroversion - all rolled into one petite Korean.
Spare time: going to the gym, dining al fresco, walking to Hermosa Beach, spending reading food blogs.
Striving for a life of: Accountability, gratitude, optimism, adventure, continual growth/learning.
...walking to the beach to watch the sunset ...olives and wine ...running outdoors in nice weather ...my nephew Aiden ...saving for retirement at age 24 ...a glass of ice cold water ...reading a book in peace & solitude ...working at a job I like, surrounded by fun(ny) people
1 comment:
great job! shoot for a 20 min 5k- that's considered elite female athlete by crossfit standards
and i linked your blog on one of mine.. is that ok?
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